

Like 'The Davinci code' everything you read here is completely true

Monday, January 1, 2007


Well I'm jumping on the blog bandwagon,
every one, I'm sure, is expecting some comment on how I'm not to good at technology or how I feel about blogging....
Well... I have been considering getting a blog for some time now and decided that new years would be appropriate time. New year -new blog -new email address perhaps - new trousers
I hope this blog is read by many people and I hope I update it fairly frequently and write more on it then 'today at work....' or 'the other day I went to the mall...' My life isn't that exciting. The reason this blog is called the project;
one- because it sounds cool (I think)
two- because it will be about me and i don't think I'm finished yet. A project implies something that is being completed, not finished, that is still being worked on. (redundancy over and over again) When a project is done you have a product or a creation. Since I'm still changing growing etc. I felt and still feel that it would be a good title for a blog.
Its now after three and I think I'm about done my first post tune at your regular 'Project Luke' time, in your regular 'Project Luke' place for more. In the mean time...
Welcome to 'The Project'

(As if you didnt see this comming)
"He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it..." -Phillipains 1:6



David Rumer said...

Congratulations Luke! Welcome to the world of blogs!


Anonymous said...

Yay Luke! You have a blog! :) Congrats. Muahaha. Now I shall read your updates >:)
p.s. Did you ever use the coffee thing at work? :D