

Like 'The Davinci code' everything you read here is completely true

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

a valintines day post

Two post in one day that's crazy!!! crazy? I was crazy once...

A friend calls this day Single Awareness day and thus when I went to work today the following transpired....

the bottom says 'from the London drugs camera department'

I'm aware that awareness is spelt wrong...there was no red line on my computer!!!
I didn't notice until a customer pointed it out

I unfortunately was not getting paid to do this this was during my break...the guy taking the picture however...

oh because I have no pictures of the BNL concert... also just because I can

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was a weird, albeit enjoyable video, man.
I think I would enjoy a BNL concert, but I'm not sure. I bought their best of CD, and that's just right. I think if I bought their ordinary albums, I would get tired of all the songs I didn't like.
And nobody want that.
NOBODY. (full stop)