

Like 'The Davinci code' everything you read here is completely true

Saturday, March 3, 2007

BAD turns to WORSE and THE WORST turns into HELL...

BARLEY! and other greetings...

The title of this post is actually slightly misleading (and by slightly I mean a lot)
Life goes quite well for me these days....

I've been winning battles that I lost last week.

This morning I went for a Delicious breakfast (mmmmm bacon) with a friend of mine,

I got paid yesterday,

I found a place to preach,

Me and a local pastor set up a meeting to hang out and get to know each other,

The schedule for next week at work involves day shifts!- starting as early as 9:30...- I'm actually rather excited that means I can get off at early enough time to go out and do something ...if I had a life. I'll probably come home and blog most of those nights.

I bought some new c.d.s -currently blaring through my surround sound system is the the new 'Anberlin' c.d. entitled 'cities'

I was asked to play my Djambe tomorrow night for worship through music

This is a case of ginger ale in the fridge for me to drink-I'm not even sick!

I went climbing on Thursday and climbed some challenging routes

I just returned from a Riley Armstrong concert -where I bought a button that says 'broken invisible button' actually i bought two one for me and one for my dear friend Jurgen (two dots above the 'u'- making it pronounced 'yergen') who has an gigantic button collection
I saw Riley this past September at harvest moon. I enjoyed his concert then also...I talked to him afterwards (as in just now) about selling working invisible buttons and being a Djambe playing Sherba (he wants one to tune his guitar for him so he can talk to the crowd) He has a song that I liked a lot when I heard at harvest moon I was hoping he would play this time... and he did its called 'The Table' (Here he is playing tonight)

'The table' speaks of being thankful for the things that we have. He talked about his family and food whilst introducing the song. It made me think about how blessed I am to have a rent free place to live, food on the table every night, money to buy new c.d.s and buttons. I have a good life. I praise and thank God for the blessings He has bestowed upon my life and me....

That's almost all for now...

Happy Birthday to my friend Cortney...

F.Y.I. -The Title of this post is a quote from Anberlin

OK that's all... until next time...

'may the worst days of your future be as bad as the best days of your past'



Unknown said...

thanks luke for the birthday should come here and work for the summer.

that's all i'll say about that.

Maria said...

the riley concert sound like fun. i just bought one of his CD's in Dublin the other day. It was pretty exciting.