I couldn't think of a good title because... well hopefully you'll understand when you read the post... thus the 'name this post contest' comment and tell me your proposed title (also comment on the actual content if you so desire) I will announce the winner on April second(ish)... so you have until then to come up with a good title. The potential titles will be judged on; relevance to the post, cleverness, use of cool literary devices, grammar, inside joke usage, and having references to movies books etc. the prise will be awarded once I figure out a good prize (it will be a good prize) and see the person who wins...
I know that this is a plug to get people to comment on my blog and make me feel more popular... but I really couldn't think of a title
Without further adieu...
As of four (4) days ago I officially finished all the requirements to complete my degree. Yesterday I booked a plane ticket to Saskatoon so that come April 22nd I can walk the stage, Get my B.A. and officially be through with school ...except for those student loans that continue to haunt me. I'm fairly close to paying them off but won't be done before grad like I'd hoped. The ultimate goal was before they started charging me interest (at the end of April) but with the way I've been spending money that might not happen either. It costs money for all the road trips and such I need/want to take. And with my car no longer highway worthy I have to rent cars or fly or something to get anywhere. My car not working and now not being high way worthy is a cause of great frustration lately. "Coincidentally" it broke down the Tuesday before I was supposed to preach...It was pronounced 'UN-highway' worthy (by the mechanic) on the Thursday(ish...I don't really remember). Like I said it was frustrating me because it forced me to change plans and spend more money than I wanted to. It was a great inconvenience and there fore a cause for anger....which was what I was preaching on. At least it gave me a sermon illustration...
I've been thinking a lot lately about money ...
The almighty dollar
I'll be honest... I don't tithe ...at all. Since I started working at London drugs I haven't given any money toward the church. I keep putting it off and saying that I will start when I finish my loans or next week or after grad ... The reality is that I have lots of money... well not lots but I do have enough that I could be giving at least ten percent to the church... I really want to get my student loans paid off so I try and keep as much as I can in the bank. But I also desire to own new c.d.s (I bought two Riley Armstrong C.D's on Monday) and to go to friends weddings and to visit places I once called home.
There are many thoughts to do with money management -that are in the Bible or taught by churches. I've heard many stories of people who gave even though they couldn't afford it and God blessed them by giving it back (and more). I've been wondering if all these frustrating events with my car and the money I'm forced to spend are Gods subtle reminder to keep in mind the things that are most important I.E. Him.
'Where your treasure is there be your heart also'
It is possible to tell where someones heart by looking at what they talk about, how they act etc. etc. ... We cannot serve two masters... we have to choose between God and money and for a few weeks I chose money... making more money was in my thoughts a fair amount and on my lips even more. It was where my heart was... Granted I was making money for good purposes (i.e. student loan payment) but my heart wasn't truly following God anymore. I hope that I can continue to worship God with all my heart and soul and no longer pursue money above my Heavenly Father.
Money is beginning to mean less to me. I realized that I have little cause for concern. I don't pay rent because I live with my parents who feed me and etc. *1. and I also have have fairly good paying job(s) by today's standards*2. The only thing I'm really concerned with is getting my loans paid off. Which if I keep saving money at the rate I am...I thank God that he still teaches me stuff , not only does it give me good blogging material but it keeps our relationship going strong and proves He is still there
*1. I've been listening to my Riley Armstrong c.d.s particularly a song called 'The Table'...I've already posted about it but i really like it and it reminds me of my family table that we eat around and etc. (it's also the one my dad grew up around) in fact: I have taken the liberty of carving the lyrics to the song into the it to be a reminder of the things it symbolizes i.e love, people who care, discipline, fun times, etc. etc. ... I wonder what my parents will say about my 'art' when they get home...
*2.SIDE BAR: Some people say that my wage is kinda low... but when I last worked at a per hour job minimum wage was 590 and I made 650 there fore I make almost 3 dollars more than I did before...man that was a long time ago
I would like to do three (3) things before i call it a day...
1. Tell you that my friend Cortney created the word pesterance which reminds me of pestilence but i digress ...in an email coercing me (2 points to me for using that word) to come back to camp for the spring since they are understaffed ...which continues to be a matter of prayer for me -not only whether I should go or not but that that God provides staff for Camp Evergreen... go here to apply
2. Express my apologies if this post was long, redundant ,and long...
3. Inform you of things still to come I.E. the following:
How my sermons went
More poetry-because I like to write it and share it
More pictures- someday ill take some again
an announcement of the prize
That's all for this post unless I can think of something in the next ten seconds ........................
(ten seconds later)
until next time
I know that this is a plug to get people to comment on my blog and make me feel more popular... but I really couldn't think of a title
Without further adieu...
As of four (4) days ago I officially finished all the requirements to complete my degree. Yesterday I booked a plane ticket to Saskatoon so that come April 22nd I can walk the stage, Get my B.A. and officially be through with school ...except for those student loans that continue to haunt me. I'm fairly close to paying them off but won't be done before grad like I'd hoped. The ultimate goal was before they started charging me interest (at the end of April) but with the way I've been spending money that might not happen either. It costs money for all the road trips and such I need/want to take. And with my car no longer highway worthy I have to rent cars or fly or something to get anywhere. My car not working and now not being high way worthy is a cause of great frustration lately. "Coincidentally" it broke down the Tuesday before I was supposed to preach...It was pronounced 'UN-highway' worthy (by the mechanic) on the Thursday(ish...I don't really remember). Like I said it was frustrating me because it forced me to change plans and spend more money than I wanted to. It was a great inconvenience and there fore a cause for anger....which was what I was preaching on. At least it gave me a sermon illustration...
I've been thinking a lot lately about money ...
The almighty dollar
I'll be honest... I don't tithe ...at all. Since I started working at London drugs I haven't given any money toward the church. I keep putting it off and saying that I will start when I finish my loans or next week or after grad ... The reality is that I have lots of money... well not lots but I do have enough that I could be giving at least ten percent to the church... I really want to get my student loans paid off so I try and keep as much as I can in the bank. But I also desire to own new c.d.s (I bought two Riley Armstrong C.D's on Monday) and to go to friends weddings and to visit places I once called home.
There are many thoughts to do with money management -that are in the Bible or taught by churches. I've heard many stories of people who gave even though they couldn't afford it and God blessed them by giving it back (and more). I've been wondering if all these frustrating events with my car and the money I'm forced to spend are Gods subtle reminder to keep in mind the things that are most important I.E. Him.
'Where your treasure is there be your heart also'
It is possible to tell where someones heart by looking at what they talk about, how they act etc. etc. ... We cannot serve two masters... we have to choose between God and money and for a few weeks I chose money... making more money was in my thoughts a fair amount and on my lips even more. It was where my heart was... Granted I was making money for good purposes (i.e. student loan payment) but my heart wasn't truly following God anymore. I hope that I can continue to worship God with all my heart and soul and no longer pursue money above my Heavenly Father.
Money is beginning to mean less to me. I realized that I have little cause for concern. I don't pay rent because I live with my parents who feed me and etc. *1. and I also have have fairly good paying job(s) by today's standards*2. The only thing I'm really concerned with is getting my loans paid off. Which if I keep saving money at the rate I am...I thank God that he still teaches me stuff , not only does it give me good blogging material but it keeps our relationship going strong and proves He is still there
*1. I've been listening to my Riley Armstrong c.d.s particularly a song called 'The Table'...I've already posted about it but i really like it and it reminds me of my family table that we eat around and etc. (it's also the one my dad grew up around) in fact: I have taken the liberty of carving the lyrics to the song into the it to be a reminder of the things it symbolizes i.e love, people who care, discipline, fun times, etc. etc. ... I wonder what my parents will say about my 'art' when they get home...
*2.SIDE BAR: Some people say that my wage is kinda low... but when I last worked at a per hour job minimum wage was 590 and I made 650 there fore I make almost 3 dollars more than I did before...man that was a long time ago
I would like to do three (3) things before i call it a day...
1. Tell you that my friend Cortney created the word pesterance which reminds me of pestilence but i digress ...in an email coercing me (2 points to me for using that word) to come back to camp for the spring since they are understaffed ...which continues to be a matter of prayer for me -not only whether I should go or not but that that God provides staff for Camp Evergreen... go here to apply
2. Express my apologies if this post was long, redundant ,and long...
3. Inform you of things still to come I.E. the following:
How my sermons went
More poetry-because I like to write it and share it
More pictures- someday ill take some again
an announcement of the prize
That's all for this post unless I can think of something in the next ten seconds ........................
(ten seconds later)
until next time
Hey Luke!
Yeah, money is a tough one. Especially in college. (Remember, I was a colloge student about 2 times as long as the average student... :)
All I can encourage you to do it take it off the top. Right away! 10% was the thing for me, but rather than giving just a little every month or two weeks, I would give a whole paycheque twice a year. It worked out to the same, I believe.
Why would you spend money or Riley Armstong?? ;)
I struggled to get a name for my blog too. (Then I decided to use people's sinful nature for the power of good! Do Not Read This Blog! Although Valli says she was confused about it...
Hmm, inside literary joke, eh? How about
"In aComo" or
"Como's Conumdrum" or
"Como's Khaki Pants" or
"Como and Kompanie" or
"Como Clog's Bomo Blog"
Yeah! I like that one the best! that's my offical entry!
Take care, man!
How about.... "BORING"
sorry Luke.. I couldn't resist!
ps person, he's looking for a name for the 'post' not the blog... sheesh. :)
how 'bout: "i blame luke".
and just to let you know - i have blamed you approx. 8.5 times since christmas.
I promised I would come up with a title, so here's one: "Crappy Cars & Teaching Tithing"
here is my title:
one time my friend Jess was fed padthai by Brad while lying down in a car going 130km/hour
maybe it's too long.
So, I don't have a whole title for you, but I do think that pestilence should be in the title. Think about it, if you went to somebody's blog and saw a title with pestilence in it, wouldn't you want to read on?
ps. does anyone else hate those stupid word verification things? half the time the letters are totally illegible.
Oh yeah. totally. Name that post. sorry.
How about:
Como Clog's Bomo Post.
Nah. That just sounds stupid...
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