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Saturday, March 17, 2007

Strange Obsession

This is a poem I wrote -different parts of it at different times... including a couples stanzas about five minutes ago. To be honest I'm not sure if it's entirely finished. There are still many small and big things that captivate my attention and that's a big part of what this poem is about... The original concept comes from a strange obsession that I do have- then many isolated events I.E. conversations, places, books, songs and a good friend's experience and story, brought out the rest.

Strange Obsession

I have a strange obsession with pictures of flowers
then there's rocks found on beaches
and sleepless nights spent alone

I looked for answers in all the wrong places
When everything I know is gone, Where do I turn?

I'll stare at this picture for hours on end
Wishing this flower could grow roots and live forever
without the fear of a coming winter

Unused guitars and the moon in daylight
wings and things that fly

God coming down to give a hug
It's hard to picture, even harder to describe

Perfect teeth and a baby's fingers and toes
Did you know that the smile is understood every where?

I have this strange obsession with pictures of flowers
there's rocks found on beaches and sleepless nights spent alone
then there is butterfly's with blue wings
and fire, always fire

I don't sleep well here
I wonder why I think of such strange things
I remember good times and bad
I read about monsters,
and dream about things that go bump in the night

Water Falls, the sound of the pouring rain
and the honest tears of someone in love

No matter how many times it happens
seeing the sun rising and setting
still takes my breath away

When there is no where else to turn
The world is crashing and burning
He will be faithful to the end
The end of my strange obsession
and the end of all the pictures of flowers


betty said...

Hey dude...long time no talk hey? I had to check every single one of your links...because I'm snoopy and curious of course! Hope you are doing well...and you are always welcome to check my blog through whomevers...; )

vicky said...

umm. thats amazing. can i sing what you wrote?