

Like 'The Davinci code' everything you read here is completely true

Monday, April 2, 2007

My Month of March...

Early this morning I lay awake
I felt needed/wanted and fought a brand new battle
I'm glad I got up and got out of bed
Though waking up to the sound of angry voices doesn't appeal to me
They lied... but also they said it best
I have so much on my mind and so many things to do
It was a regular but unconventional day
I'm hiding inside for fear of being swept of me feet
I saw many unexpected people in strange places
I listened to a man who had forgotten his name
Good news and bad news came from all over
I struggled to understand and to be understood
a day of extremes, and downs
I watched part of my life be dragged away
Miscommunication, near mishaps, and more bad news
looking and learning
finishing and failing
It's time to shut my mind down for awhile
Something new in my head and in my hands
Why are the days so long? is it because I'm missing something?
There's a weight on my shoulders today
getting things done that I've been meaning to do
One mistake made and two lessons learned
I'm afraid of silence on this rearranged day
Mad at the inconvenience of it all
Getting away is harder than it sounds
Remembering good times
The long drive back to reality
The most fantastic thing
Ending off alright

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