I have several disclaimers for this post:
1. I know that I don't actually cause couples to break up...
2. Names have been withheld to protect the identity of the people involved...
3. I'm sorry if this brings up painful memories and the like...
4. I'm not wishing evil upon anyone...
5. People look at me weird when I tell this story
6. The curse such as it is may or may not be connected to the white shirt...
7. Please don't respond by cursing me or people I know
8. I wish all couples I know happiness in their lives together
There have been several times in the past few months that all of a sudden couples (that i thought were good together) suddenly were broken up (I know that's slightly redundant)
It happened first in the summer. I went to a wedding a there my friend (back from the bush and ready for school) informed me that he and his girlfriend had broken up. I had just finished being like 'sooo hows your girl friend?' (in that tone of voice that everybody dating someone hates to hear when regarding their relationship.) I told him i was sorry for bringing it up and the conversation went on. Apparently it was a rather mutual break up and they still have a healthy relationship...
I have this thing with putting my foot in my mouth. Some days the only reason I take it out is to shove the other one in... and further down my throat usually every time. This example being case and point- The second and third time happened within hours of each other. I mentioned in conversation with a third party that my friend was dating someone. (It wasn't gossip because she was standing right there) and she said 'actually we broke up' she then informed us that she was going out with someone else....
The other time a few hours earlier me and another friend were having some good natured jokes and such at the expense of a friend who -until she told us otherwise- we though was dating someone. Apparently I sub-consciously enjoy the taste of my feet... either that or I need to learn to think before I open my mouth...or both
Then the last time and this is when i started joking about it being a curse was i emailed a friend and asked about 'life, love, and her relationship with a certain boy I knew. She informed me that she had broken up with him like a month previously...
Thus in talking about it with friends and recently dating couples I determined it was some sort of a curse and needed to break it. We were also joking about me being like Sherry Palmer and being a life ruiner.. (cause that's what her character does -especially in season 2and3- she ruins people lives nad i know its not a word)
all you dating couples will be happy to know I think the curse is broken because I asked about a couple a few weeks ago and THEY WERE STILL DATING!!!
Hoary! for victory over curses and stories that people look at you weird when you tell...
If you were just here for the story then you have my blessing to stop reading and go else where
Curse defined in the following ways:
1.the expression of a wish that misfortune, evil, doom, etc., befall a person, group, etc.
2.a formula or charm intended to cause such misfortune to another.
3.the act of reciting such a formula.
4.a profane oath; curse word.
5.an evil that has been invoked upon one.
6.the cause of evil, misfortune, or trouble.
7.something accursed.
8.Slang. the menstrual period; menstruation (usually prec. by the).
9.an ecclesiastical censure or anathema. –verb (used with object)
10.to wish or invoke evil, calamity, injury, or destruction upon.
11.to swear at.
12.to blaspheme.
13.to afflict with great evil.
14.to excommunicate. –verb (used without object)
15.to utter curses; swear profanely.
Writing this post has got me thinking about curses.
What does everybody think of cursing?
I know in some places in the Bible sin is refereed to as a curse. God says to Abraham that whoever blesses him He will bless and the same for cursing. In one of my classes at school we talked about how the word for blessing and the word for cursing are very similar and from there that there is two ways to bless people a good way and a bad way. It sounds odd but apparently i could bless someone with a life time of misery or a slow and painful death. So STAY ON MY GOOD SIDE! I'm kidding I wont curse you... By that same token I could also 'curse' someone with a life time of rainbows and lolly pops (for some people rainbows and lolly pops would be horrible!!)
...but let me know what you all think of cursing...one thing Id especially like to have your opinions on is 'is it a 'good blessing' if it causes harm to other people'? ex. 'may death come swiftly to your enemies'
Let's save the using 'swear words' definition for later and concentrate on the wishing evil upon some one (dictionary definition number one)
For the record I know that the power of Christ is greater than any curse whether real or made up in jest.
I can also tell you that some one once wished a curse on me he said in jest 'may the fleas of a thousand camels infest you armpits' ... Thankfully that didn't happen.
I'll leave you with a 'curse' I learned from a pastor a long time ago in a place far away
'may all your children be born naked'
Like 'The Davinci code' everything you read here is completely true
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1 comment:
I am going to put my two cents into this one...
I think that a curse made by anyone will not come through. Unless you have divine inspiration and are acting on behalf of God (like the prophets), I think that the curses will come to nothing (unless we act it out ourselves, I suppose). Even if what we do curse does happen, who's to say that it was caused because of us? There are too many variable to play off to be able to take complete responsibility for it. So, really, it all pointless...we can't say one way or the other.
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