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Thursday, January 25, 2007

the month of november...

I know that the month of November was several (almost more than two) months ago...
That month was my first month outside the christian bubble in almost five years. The bubble ended where it started in the summer of 2002, at camp. I arrived home from camp on Oct. 30 evening after a horrific (3 points for using that word) day of hitchhiking and smoke filled engines. but that's (say it with me now) 'another story for another time' Oct 31st was spent resting and remembering that it was Halloween and preparing for an evening at home alone with all the lights turned off.
The month of November began much as any other month does. It hadn't fully dawned on me that the bubble was over despite me telling dozens of people that it was over. I made plans to start looking for a job but for the first few days slept and read books. Then eventually i started handing out my resume to the places I saw 'now hiring' signs for. despite assurances that i would find a job in no time and the apparent wealth of jobs around, it still took me till the very end of November to find a job. Some of those days got really long especially since i had no money to do anything. I took books from the library and would read them when not handing out resumes. I handed out an average of two resumes per day excluding weekends. I think part of the reason that i didn't get hired was that it looked like I hadn't worked at all in the past four years and upon closer inspection (which some people never get to) it appeared that i had only worked at camp. It also showed that i had a degree. I also applied for retail jobs hoping to get one so i could expand my resume to more than just fast food restaurants and camp. Some people might ave looked at my education and said 'well hes got a degree hes not going to stay around here very long' It could also have been my availability but i doubt it since i put that i was available 'all day... every day... eleven months of the year'...
anyways the reason for this post is that i look back at that month with a sense of regret. I did several productive things. I applied for jobs joined a bible study and read upwards of 30 novels. But it could have been so much more. I could have spent hours each day just soaking in the presence of God. I could have read the Bible entirely through (apparently 72 hours if you read 24/7 and i want to try someday.) The month of Novembers should have been and could have been a mountain top experience with God. I could be looking back on November and saying wow that was great month i wish my relationship with God Could look like that again. I did pray some (mostly about finding a job) and read my Bible some but i would often forget and sleep in or read the novels I had checked out of the library. I wished through out the month of December and until now that I had done things differently. If I had a time machine that would be one of the things I would go back and change. A friend of mine has a shirt with the flux Capicitator on it and another friend of mine has a professor that's obsessed (or so my friend says) with those movies. maybe I could enlist there help....
I'm just joshin you all. I am aware of the cliche 'you can't change the past' all i can do now is try and make the coming months and years what the month of November could have and should have been.

your friend in time


p.s. I've been given a blessing of death coming swiftly to my enemies, I thought you would all appreciate knowing that...especially for those of you who consider themselves my enemies know give you some time to get your affairs in order before your imminent doom.

p.p.s. I award my self two points for using the word imminent

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