

Like 'The Davinci code' everything you read here is completely true

Thursday, March 15, 2007

every one else is doing it...

My coffee cup said it...and by coffee I mean Chai latte...I don't really like coffee- the taste, I like the smell. I have nothing against people who like coffee and would enjoy making coffee but don't like the taste. I have tried coffee on almost every continent and still don't like it.
So there I was at Starbucks reading about the new 'Die Hard' movie and after that planning to move on to the article about 'The Bourne Ultimatum'.
I never get to read the article on the movie however because... who should walk in and bring Joy to my life? Well it was none other than my friend Vicky Berg who I was meeting for coffee (or Chai latte, but we've been through that discussion). We ordered our drinks and I made sure that mine was in a 'to go' cup so that we could go out side and enjoy the sunshine. Also since many people were doing a spot on their blog dedicated to the way the 'the way I see it' note on a Starbucks coffee cup affected their life. I wanted so see how a cup could affect mine. Here's what my cup said
The way I see It # 205
"Many people search blindly for the "meaning of life." what they don't seem to understand is that life does not have a meaning through mere existence or acquisition or fun. The meaning of life is inherent in the connections we make to others through honor and obligation."
...And here all this time I thought it was a 'Monty Python' movie available at any local movie store...
The quote came from a lady who I said i had never heard of (but now that I think about her name has been mentioned once or twice in my life '40 lashes with a wet noodle' and all that),
one Dr. Laura Schlessinger....
(The last dealings I had with someone who went by doctor instead of Mr/Ms weren't the best of times but that's another story for another time)
If mine was number 205 many is there? are they rated or is that the 205th one? Who determines what goes on a coffee mug ?all questions I have have questions that need answering ...
The quote may affect your life and your search for meaning in it... but as for me and my house... I'm content in the knowledge that loving God, loving people and learning to love more gives my life purpose and meaning...

p.s. my friend Dan king posted this (see right) on his blog the other day
if any one could confirm the existence of this give away. I would like to know...
p.p.s. I'm aware that it is already in the past... I don't like coffee any would've made a good story if i had gone down and gotten a coffee then written about what the cup said...


this girl said...

Yes!! Way to be conformed, Luke! Be the dead fish. Embrace the flow.

ps-Thanks for the bday shout-out. A good day made great by my long lost sister.

Anonymous said...

Do you still have that cup? It could be worth money someday.

Anonymous said...

by the by the rumour was true, free drip coffee. for real. crazy, huh? i'm glad i wasn't working that day.