

Like 'The Davinci code' everything you read here is completely true

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Switching feet

The Switchfoot concert was spectacular. I enjoyed it immensely. I haven't seen them since 2002 and they were good then. They played mostly stuff from their newest album OH Gravity! and a good mix from 'the beautiful let down' and 'nothing is sound.' Nothing from the legend of chin. During their encore however they played 'only hope' from 'new way to be human.' it was just John and a guitar so that was rather neat. My favourite song of the night was 'Faust Midas and myself' in which they had chad (the drummer) wandering around stage shaking a shaker and Tim (the bassist) hitting the bass drum with a mallet at the same time as chad. it added a neat effect. The had some cool things that they did for example - stop the song and hold the position they were in for a minute or so then continue playing. John was always seen climbing all over things. And the rest of the band rocked out hard also. The had an actual piano on stage to use for the Title track of 'OH Gravity!' Most of the time Jerome (the pianist/guitarist) used the keyboard however. Drew (the other guitarist) mostly hung out in the back and played his guitar and fiddled with programing effects. When John used his acoustic the extra electric guitar made the songs sound quite spectacular. The opening band was also quite good. I bought a c.d. a week before the concert and was pleased to hear songs that I recognised. There was many people there that I knew also. I saw friends and acquaintances from camp and other friends from various other places also. I was close to buying a Copeland shirt but decided I should save my money and be content with then stickers I bought and the 17 other band shirts I have... All told it was a really fun time and after redying my hair i drove home arriving at 3:30 in the morning.
On the way home I listened to Swichfoot. My car stereo is rather hit and miss and some of the albums don't work but 'the beautiful let down' does....
I was listening to the second song 'this is your life' It asks the question are you who you wanna be? and is it everything you dreamed it would be... when the world was younger and you had everything to loose? I realized that this life I am currently living isn't what I dreamed of when I was younger. I don't think I dreamed that I would be working at London drugs and living with my parents. For a few weeks I was rather tired of the life that I had been living. It was partly due to the shifts I had been working. They were always starting late and I also hadn't had a day off in about a week in a half. Is this was God really has for me? and for how long? Questions like those run through my head periodically...
Recently I have been being asked (bugged for lack of a better word) to come back to camp in the summer. This is a question I've have yet to give yes or no on...(I can tell you that when I left I remember thinking and saying to some people that I would be happy if they called and wanted me to come's nice to feel needed/wanted...)
if camp had started two months ago I would've said no ...but now I think that I might like to be around for all the new things that are happening at camp. I don't know if I want to reenter the 'christian bubble' again... I can remember being rather angry at some points over last spring and summer....(perhaps some of the stories will come out in my sermon but I doubt it. There not stories I relish in telling)... it was definitely a 'God thing' to leave camp and the bubble in November...would it be in Gods will to go back? I don't know...The people there are rather awesome people... people in Lethbridge are sweet also... people here have told me that i am the happiest I've been in a longtime...people have also told me that i do well at camp and places such like it...
All these thoughts and more storm through my head as I think about it...I will think about it more seriously after I finish preaching on the 18th but for now it would be sweet if you guys and girls could give me your thoughts and etc. and also pray for my decision and preaching... and I'm OK with comments on your insane jealousy of my going to a Switchfoot concert and your not ....
check out this websites and blog for life at camp etc.
website and the blog

This is the way that I say I need you
I'm a plane in the sunset with nowhere to land
The shadows prove the sunshine.
Life is not what I thought it was 24 hours ago...
It's all wrong but it's all right
What direction? What direction?



Unknown said...

oh luke,

i laugh when people speak of the bubble. when i attended trinity - we had a desire not to be like everybody instead of the bubble it was trinitopia. i was the first person to actually get quoted saying it in Mars Hill (our paper) after attending the 2000 WTO Riots in Seattle.

i guess what i would tell you about the bubble luke (and this pretains to all bubbles because you can get stuck in a bubble where you live in lethbridge, for instance - when i attended U of L, a few of the IVCFers remained inside of their bubble, seldom socializing with those outside of that club), is that "it is what you make of it". if it's a solace or a getaway, maybe a safeplace, or even a place to runaway to. it could even be something to get away from (as in my case)...develop community and that means inside, outside, around, and creating an atmosphere for the bubble. a bubble or "topia" can be a thing of strength and support...however at the same time - it can become an anchor and a weight - inhibiting growth.

those are my somewhat, seldom insightful words for you luke. you'll be able to judge for yourself what that bubble means to you and the implications of it in your life.


ChristyWimberton said...

My first post on the "The Project"! Quite the monumental moment.

My urge to say something came after I read this part:

"...people in Lethbridge are sweet also... people here have told me that i am the happiest I've been in a longtime...people have also told me that i do well at camp and places such like it..."

This rekindled a fond memory of me sitting at my mentor's house approximately 2 or 3 weeks ago, when she said this (or something like this) to me:

"The problem you have is the same problem 95% of Christians have..."

(Note: at this point she gave me three specific examples of things I'd said in the last 2 minutes or so, which caught me off guard - I'm not including the examples because they're not important to make my point, although if you really want I'll tell you, but they're not that exciting.)

"Your problem is that you're putting your faith in people and not putting your faith in God."

"Huh," I said. "You're right."

This may or may not be something you are struggling with...

Also, on the one hand, there's a certain amount of intrinsic value to listening to other's thoughts and perspectives, especially if they spend time listening to God.

On the other hand, I could act like the happiest person in the world, when in all reality, I'm actually quite troubled, but only God could know what I was troubled about. Thus, He would be the only person I should put faith in because He's really the only person who knows what's really going on.

I, however, find it difficult to put faith in God when He seems rather aloof. But His aloofness usually subsides after I remember to read my Bible and have some quality communion time with Him...

So, all this to say, if you're spending time in the Word (which you obviously are b/c you're preaching on the 18th) and listening to God, it doesn't much matter what people say, except to add some nominal affirmation of what God already told you that day when you were reading, say, Ezekiel or something.

BTW, I enjoy your blog very much, and don't forget to write about how the sermon goes.


Anonymous said...

hey luke, finally found your blog. just stopping by to say hi!

amy wall

this girl said...

This was totally written on my birthday! Sweet. It's nice to have a long-lost sister who cares.

Maria said...

Okay, so if you decide to go back to camp for the summer that's cool, but then i don't get to hang out with you, and that would be sad.

Anonymous said...

as a person who's had numerous experiences with different kinds of bubbles, some good some not, my 2 cents are encluded at your expense. Bubbles rarely change that much over a period of a few months. The things you felt frustration with will probably still be there waiting for you, perhaps just reincarnated. God won't test us beyond what we can bear, but at the same time He does save us from things too.

honestly, you seem a lot happier since you left camp, but it's really moreso God's call than anything.

- josh