

Like 'The Davinci code' everything you read here is completely true

Saturday, July 7, 2007

hey unfaithful....

In case you were wondering. I made it back to camp allright. I'm very excited to be back here. I'm looking greatly foward to the summer. Out trip planning is going well and camp starts tomorow. and by tomorow i mean the time you read this it will at least be sunday...
some people have said that they thought I hated this place by some of my past blog posts.
Sometimes i don't want to be here. I had to make a big change in my attitude somewhere in the middle of june. I was really bitter about some of the things that happen but i choose to forgive and enjoy being here.
Im really pumped about a new program that, I have a small part in developing. ill tell you about it someday ...another story for another time, as they say
any ways I should get going
now that I can use my friends lap top pictures will be more plentiful and etc.
i might update only once a week for the rest of the summer because i can't plug the laptop into a tree out whilst camping
any ways have a great summer ill see you all when I see you.

remembering mile two

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