

Like 'The Davinci code' everything you read here is completely true

Saturday, July 14, 2007

you must make my day plans...

It looks like its going to be one post a week for the rest of the summer. The inter web is not available out in my tent. Though if i had a lap top and the tree power converter I could plug it in...My lap top i have recently been informed is video card less and would cost lots to fix.

Some day I will post pictures from my trip to corner stone. and some from camp as well. I've been taking some pictures and have realized how blessed i am to have a digital camera.

This past week was really good. some times kids can be annoying ...especially when they never shut up but the 15 of us (including counselors) had a great time. The people from the white water rafting place remember us and it was great to build a little bit more on the relationship already built.

The kids seemed not interested in God or anything of the sort most of the week. Devotions were short and mostly filled with them distracting each other. On the last night God blessed us with an hour of questions about heaven and hell and who goes where.

It was really good to answer them and to have a discussion like we did.

I had been trying to start a discussion like that all week and there it was.

God has been showing me exactly why he wants me at camp and I'm glad to say its been a fun summer so far....

more to come

stories of speeding tickets and the people who get them

and other memorable events...

any ways it is now time for me to go to bed since I slept for approximately five minutes last night....

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