

Like 'The Davinci code' everything you read here is completely true

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

you've been so faithful for all my years...

Sorry this post is slightly late. Usually i post on the weekends but this past week there were some extrenuating circumstances that prevented me from uptdating and thus had to wait until to day which is wednesday.
This weekend was the 'long weekend' at camp meaning when we get an extra 24 hours off. I choose to rent a car and drive to b.b where some friends of mine were getting married.
It was a long drive I ended up driving a truck instead of a compact car (cause they had none left). Id rove through a few places that i have driven through before
I have driven that same route on one of my VTI teams and once or twice as a child in the back of my parents car. I remember sining silly songs with my brother and listening to adventures in odessey tapes most of the way on those trips.
This trip as i was by my self in the truck i choose to use the time to play worship music at full volume and sing along.
It was neat to look back and see the hand of God through my life. Especially in the last five years. It took places like hope and the enchanted forest to remind me of Gods faithfullness through out my life but i'm glad i had that experience.
When i returned i fully intened to update my blog but as events turned out I got sick. I spent monday night with chills and throwing up etc. and tuesday I spent getting better and thus brings us to now.
I was taken off going to the teepees for the week and am now doing cleaning and stuff around the camp.
I'm hopeing i get to chainsaw some stuff down some time in the next two days.
This is a short one but there will be more to follow.
This past week at the teepees was a lot of fun. there was a few repeat campers and some new ones. I liked it a lot. My first week at the teepees. and probably last since there is no mores going down there this summer and i might not be back next summer. My campers were asking me last week if i was comming back next year. And i said 'I didnt think i was comming back this year so i dont know'
Time shall tell...
any ways that all i have tonight
ill see you all sometime...maybe tomorow...

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