

Like 'The Davinci code' everything you read here is completely true

Friday, February 16, 2007

things ive been meaning to say...

My Blog is gaining popularity...
I have seen a link to the project on not one not two but three of my Friends blogs; Cortney, Joy and Dave consider me worthy enough to have a link... very exciting!!!...
I also saw my picture displayed Dan kings blog...
and sometimes I start telling stories that were told on here and people say 'I know I read it on your blog'- its annoying but very cool at the same time...

any ways on to a completely separate but closely related matter...

several posts back I mentioned that whilst at Bethany I said somethings that I wish I hadn't said and did things I wish i hadn't done...

The main thing I wish I hadn't done is driven into the back of someone else was rather frustrating... especially after having been on the road for approximately 8 hours and when within minutes of my destination to be slowed by ridiculous traffic and then slowed even more by an accident. I must admit I swore out loud and punched the dashboard before continuing my journey...

On Similar Train of thought...

Collective soul has an album called 'Hints, Allegations, and Things left unsaid...'
this portion of the post -(while being brought to you by the number 547 and the letters 'E' and 'D' -) is titled...
"Degrees, Seven-elevens, and Things I shouldn't have said..."
while at Bethany i was talking with a friend about degrees. I will soon have a degree in pastoral studies...she is planning to go to university and get a degree in history then move on to something else and if she doesn't do that then she will have a degree in history and I quote 'I don't know what i would do with that' I responded 'the same thing you do with a pastoral studies degree...hang it on your wall!' at this point a youth pastor standing close by (who I know and remember from various places but I'm not sure knows who I am) said 'all this time Ive been trying to get a job with it'...
I wish I wouldn't have said what I said because I essentially implied (if not flat out said it) that the degree I will have and he probably has is rather useless. I don't plan on using my degree for it's intended purpose ...(as in a don't want to be a pastor) but I'm not saying that the degree is useless...I am glad that he is doing what God has told him to do i.e. be a pastor and etc. but \I don't feel that desire...I'm going to hang my degree on my wall and that's were the joking came from neither His nor my degree is useless nor should it be made fun of the way I did... it takes approx four years to get the degree I have (I know I did it in two I worked really hard) more if you go on to seminary to get a masters and etc...
The reason that seven eleven is mentioned in the title is when on the way home I was thinking of how I shouldn't have said that and that I should apologize and explain my train of thought...
When I stopped to get gas... there he was! in the same seven eleven I stopped for gas in both ways ... and I didn't say anything
I wish I could take back what I said, but I have yet to invent a time machine (still need a flux capacitor and 1.2 gigawatts of electricity)...

know if your reading this that I didn't mean to slam you degree, your ministry or you...
hanging it on my wall is only what I joke about doing with my degree...

remember everyone;
There are some things better said with the lights out,
some things only said in certain companies,
and some things that should never have been said at all....


Anonymous said...

And what about the link on my site, hmm?

ps- "this random guy I met once upon a time" is you, sheesh.

Dan King said...

thanks for the mention ... posted another wonderful picture of you this week ... kinda the axe-murderer thing going on ...


this girl said...

haha...i love that video. i think the guy doesn't react more because the fact that he's hallucinating the pirate-dude talking is reaction enough to the drugs...

and the pirate makes me laugh. so hard it's ridiculous.

and about the link: aparently i don't know how to spell blogspot and it came out sopt at the end. oops. oh well, ya live and learn, eh?