With barely more than two days left until I leave, thoughts become like little banshees and run around my head screaming bloody murder.
of all the things I NEED to get done before I leave...
of all the things I WANT to get done before I leave...
of second guessing my decisions...
of joining face book...
of what this past week has brought...
of what this summer will bring...
of what I want this summer to be...
of what I've been thinking about... which encompasses all of the above...
I need to get several things done...ex. pay off my loans, buy certain supplies like deodorant and shampoo, say good bye to most people, finish my shifts, write my 'two weeks notice'
I want to get get several things done- ex. post a few times, hang out with certain people, buy some c.d.s and cornerstone tickets...
Its normal to second guess ones decisions but its not the most fun process ever...
'every body's doing it' and several people have been bugging me about doing it...joining face book that is
This past week has brought; a degree, a broken necklace, my parents flying to Israel, the last day at one job,
This summer will bring; a 'spiritual Mt. top' (hopefully) curfews, contracts, and second chances
I want this summer to be; a 'spiritual Mt. top' a chance to see old friends and make new ones, a safe place..
I've been thinking about how what I can do to make my summer the most spectacular summer in the history of spectacular summers. Given the nature of my relationship with God and my past experiences with Camp (both good and bad) and the general state of my well being I have determined that this summer will be either be spectacular or the worst summer of my entire life. I have a feeling it will be all in my attitude. If I am determined to have a good time and pour my self into the campers and other staff it will be a great summer. If I focus on my self and only see the bad...it will suck like nothing has ever sucked before.
One of my text books while being frustrating to read and not as simple to respond to as I would've liked had many good things to say about community. It was frustrating to read because for one it was a text book that I had to read and had only so much time to read it in. It was also frustrating because I felt I never got any concrete steps to build a community (until the very end) He spoke about 'the safest place on earth.' The place where people can 'hit bottom' and feel safe, uncondemned and not judged. He gave many examples of situations where in conversations he said the wrong thing and didn't help create this community. I wanted to hear what he would've said in those situations that would've created this community.
I spent most of the book thinking of situations at camp and how I wanted to create this safe place there over the summer. Thus it was frustrating when I couldn't get a "this is what you do and say when this happens..." it finally came out that one must be listening to the Holy Spirit at that moment and there fore can create that safe place. I really want to do my part to create a community like that this summer. I want staff (and campers) to go home and be like 'what a great place camp was I'm going to create that safe place at my church/school at home.' Join me in praying that this safe place can be achieved and that God works in my life and all the staff and campers lives also.
I will leave you now with the word picture of the thoughts as banshees running and screaming in my head and several pictures taken at school on graduation day....
1st. me and my degree, still wearing the gown and hood they place on you. I wore it for a long time, after walking the stage (I received numerous warnings to make sure I returned it)
Next is a picture with the hood flipped over my head making me look (apparently) scary...
Last ...I thought it would be funny (and it was) to hold a weapon of some sort and look scary... I'd like to mention that I don't even know this girl let alone have any feelings of hate toward her and that no one was injured or endangered in the taking of this picture...
No unicorns were harmed in the writing of this post...
Luke -
1) Yay facebook! You'll love it...
2) So hey, I'm coming to Alberta - I'm in the Denver airport as I write this... I should be there in about 7 or 8 hours. Maybe I can drop by Evergreen or something and see you, so you should e-mail me or something with a number where I can reach you to see if we can work something out.
3) Dusten Dixon is going to be at Evergreen! I get the feeling that I made a big mistake in not jumping on the bandwagon and coming to Evergreen, since all the cool people will be there.
4) I seriously regret the last nutrition choice I made, as now I have irritataed bowels.
Hope you get what you need to get done done! (Done done?) And congrats on your degree!!! That's incredibly huge.
I will *perhaps* see you soon.
Facebook, like MySpace (and Windows Live, and Vista, and brussel sprouts) is the devil. Stay away from it.
congratulations luke:) i'm so proud of you. and i hope u have a great time at camp. miss u,
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