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Thursday, August 30, 2007

I just wanted to see giant robots fighting each other...

So me and a friend or two went and saw 'evanalmighty' this afternoon. It was the final showing of said movie in any lethbridge theatre.
It was rather amusing...I enjoyed it and laughed at many occasions rather loudly.
Because I have nothing to else to post about and because there are things one could learn about God through the movie I will present a semi-informal 'review' of the movie
This will no doubt kick start my career as a movie critic and someday you will see me on t.v. with another ridiculously good looking person telling people what movies they should and should not see...
my review of this movie takes two parts.

Part One the "secular" view
The view that rates the movie for its entertainment value, plot, character definition, blah, blah, blah...
The second will be from the "christian" view. The one that talks about the quality of the content, scriptural accuracy and looks to see what one can learn about them selves and God and their relationship with said God...

Part one;
This movie seemed to have been made with one purpose in mind. $$$- cash in on the combined success of its prequel 'Bruce Almighty' and the success of it's main actor Steve Carell. The movie moves quickly past the Evan Baxter as an anchorman into his new role as a united states congressman. He moves into a huge house away from everything he and his family have ever known. From there the fun really begins. Even though its easy to see the movie being made just for money at least it was made very well. Steve Carell delivers a tonne of funny lines (ex repeat after me...we are hamsters) and actions. Including numerous references to 'the dance.' He has a few 'success moments' in which he celebrates by 'doing the dance.' Morgan freeman develops his character as the 'almighty one' by showing up out of nowhere and having fun. His jokes and references to Biblical things/ God were absolutely hilarious. During the pledge of allegiance for example when he says 'one nation under me' was brilliant.
Other notable developed characters the family of 'new york Noah' (the name the media gives Evan) his wife and three sons, and his various assistants. His sons were typical adolescents who at times seemed to hate their father but can also show sentiment and love towards them. The youngest is always mentioning random facts from animal planet, which made for some good jokes. The Secretary had some very amusing lines. Including a 'yoga move' she did to hang up the phone on someone. Very amusing...
All in All a funny movie and good enough for families to see and not have to cover their children's eyes. Or for people who are concerned about what they put into their minds.

which transitions nicely into part two;
God in the movie was, I feel a good representation of what God on earth could be. Especially when the family of Noah goes to a restaurant and is served by God. He makes his exit from a conversation with Noah's wife saying 'i should get going lots of people to serve.' He mentions that people always need to see the story of Noah as a story of God's wrath. He says it really isn't. He suggests its about people working together and standing by each other. I think primarily it's a story about God's sadness over the sin in the world and the consequences of the sin. There are other lessons you can draw from it such as working together and family being important but I think (and i stress those words) the story is about God dealing with the sin of the world. Morgan freeman as God says that what ever He does He does because 'I love you'. This is true of God, its tough to see that sometimes... especially like when your family leaves and your getting sprayed in the face by a sprinkler. Which happens in the movie. This movie showed that God does have our best interests in mind. In the end the ark serves a very important purpose and the 'bad guy' gets what was coming to him.

If any one has more thoughts to share please feel free. There is probably much more i could write about but that is enough for now. plugged in has a review of this movie and it has a message from billy graham pointing out some of the scriptural errors...check that out here

I'm sorry I haven't posted in awhile I've been slightly busy and lazy. I'm also waiting for my sister to appear in lethbridge again with her laptop and all my pictures enabling me to post some of them pictures...

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